Welcome to the Ready for Better Bidding quiz.

There are 10 questions. If you get most of them right (or if you know better answers than the ones I have given), then you are ready for the Better Bidding course.

The questions are about standard (Acol) bids.  The only conventional bids used are Stayman and takeout doubles.  There are no questions about pre-emptive bids.

You can try the quiz as many times as you want - the questions will change.

Good luck!


Click in the box below each question and type your bid in lower or upper case – e.g. 1h, 2NT, 3C, pass.  If you want to double, type X.

If you wait for a moment, you will see an explanation of the answer.

When you are ready for the next question, click Next or press Enter on your keyboard.

At the end of the quiz, you can review all the questions.