The Courses
Beginner course
Beginner Course
This course is for people who have never played bridge before.
It is also for people who have played bridge a little or a long time ago and want to relearn.
Learn to
Play Bridge
The course will enable you to enjoy playing social bridge in the relaxed atmosphere of the U3A Bridge Group or with friends at home.
This course is running now (April to December 2024).
I hope to start the next one in April 2026.
Refresher Courses
These courses are for experienced players who have become a bit rusty on some details and would like to fill in the gaps.
They are also for Learn to Play Bridge graduates who want to refresh their memories and expand their knowledge.
Brush Up
Your Bidding
I hope to run this course again in September 2025.
Polish Up
Your Play
I hope to run this course again in January 2026.
Advanced Courses
These courses are for experienced players who are confident with the standard bidding system and everyday cardplay and would like to add some refinements.
They are also for Brush Up Your Bidding and Polish Up Your Play graduates who are ready for the next step.
Better Bidding
This course is for anyone who ever finds themself wondering “Just how strong is my hand? Should I bid game?” or “I really want to support partner’s overcall, but how can I make sure she doesn’t get carried away?”
This course will start
in January 2025.
Prime Play
This course is for anyone who ever finds themselves thinking “If only I knew who had the King of Diamonds”, or “What might go wrong with this contract? What can I do about it?”
I hope to run this course
in May 2025